::Convert PDF to Text  ::Server Edition                     


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PDF Plain Text Extractor
Server Edition V4.0(COM)

P2T Server Edition is a COM component built use high performance ATL framework, It encapsulates all the functionality into a COM component and provide an easy to use interface to upper level application. It can be called from VC/VB/ Delphi/ASP/PHP.... All kind of languages that support COM.The trial version can only process the first 5 pages of the pdf document. It will expire 15 days later after the first use. The trial version will expire if the system clock was  manually adjust (forward/backward).


  • Download the 15 days trial version here.

  • Unzip the package to a folder on your hard drive.

  • Open an dos window and Go to the folder you store P2T Server Edition.

  • Run "regsvr32 P2TServer.dll" from command line to register the component.

    Check the methods exposed from the COM interface here.


  • Example in ASP

  • Example in PHP

  • Example in ColdFusion

  • Example in VC

  • Example in VB


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    Example in ASP:


    'Create the object
    set pdf2text = Server.CreateObject("P2TServer.P2T")

    'VerifyLicense always success in trial version.
    pdf2text.VerifyLicense "4747457", "345srwr242342423"

    ''%%NUM' is the place holder for page number
    pdf2text.EngageProcessor 64+32,"5,10,11-15", "#######################%%NUM#########"

    Response.Write pdf2text.Convert ("c:\test\test1.pdf", "c:\box\test1.txt")+ "<br>"
    Response.Write pdf2text.Convert ("c:\test\test2.pdf", "c:\box\test2.txt") + "<br>"

    'If you Just wanna output the whole pdf file, you don't need to call EngageProcessor before
    'call Convert
    set pdf2text = Server.CreateObject("P2TServer.P2T")

    'VerifyLicense always success in trial version.
    pdf2text.VerifyLicense "4747457", "345srwr242342423"
    Response.Write pdf2text.Convert ("c:\test\test1.pdf", "c:\box\test1.txt")+ "<br>"


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    #Create the object
    $p2t = new COM("P2TServer.P2T");

    #VerifyLicense always success in trial version.
    $p2t->VerifyLicense("4747457", "345srwr242342423");

    #%%NUM' is the place holder for page number
    $p2t->EngageProcessor(64+32,"5,10,11-15", "#######################%%NUM#########");

    print $p2t->Convert ("c:\test\test1.pdf", "c:\box\test1.txt"). "<br>";
    print $p2t->Convert ("c:\test\test2.pdf", "c:\box\test2.txt"). "<br>";

    $p2t = null;


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    Example in ColdFusion:

    <cfobject type="COM"
    <cfset strName="4747457">
    <cfset strKey="345srwr242342423">
    <cfset result = p2t.VerifyLicense(strName, strKey)>
    <cfset nCtrlFlag=64+32>
    <cfset strPageRange="5,10,11-15">
    <cfset strPageBreaker="#######################%%NUM#########">
    <cfset result=p2t.EngageProcessor(nCtrlFlag, strPageRange, strPageBreaker)>
    <cfset strPDFName="C:\test\test1.pdf">
    <cfset strTXTName="C:\test\test1.txt">
    <cfset result=p2t.Convert(strPDFName, strTXTName)>

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    Example in VC:

    You need generate wrapper class use classwizard first.
    "ClassWizard->ActiveX Events->Add Class->From a type lib..."
    IP2T p2t;
    p2t.EngageProcessor(0x40 + 0x20,"5,10,11-15", "#######################%%NUM#########");
    CString strRslt = p2t.Convert("C:\\test\\test1.pdf","c:\\test\\test1.txt");


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    Example in VB:

    You need to add the reference of P2TServer to the project
    "Project->References..." Make sure "P2TServer Type Library" was selected there.

    Dim myP2T As P2TSERVERLib.P2T
    Dim strRslt As String

    Set myP2T = New P2T

    myP2T.VerifyLicense "234234", "23423432"
    myP2T.EngageProcessor 64 + 32, "5,10,11-15", "#######################%%NUM#########"
    strRslt = myP2T.Convert(C:\test\test1.pdf","c:\test\test1.txt")

    MsgBox strRslt

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    Any comments or question, Send email to
    support@retsinasoftware.com with "P2TServer" in subject.


    COM Interface
    There's 3 methods exposed
    1. HRESULT VerifyLicense(
    [in] BSTR bstrName,
    [in] BSTR bstrKey,
    [out, retval] long* pbRetVal);

    VerifyLicense is the method must be called before all other methods.
    It's to verify the run time license information.
    @param BSTR bstrName: The register name
    @param BSTR bstrKey: The register key code.
    @param long* pbRetVal: 1 If verify license cuccessfully.
    0 If something wrong with the name/key
    This variable always be set to 1 in trial version
    @return S_OK

    2. HRESULT EngageProcessor(
    [in] int i_CtrlFlag,
    [in] BSTR i_bstrPageRange,
    [in] BSTR i_bstrPageBreaker);
    EngageProcessor is a helper method. It sets the page range /page breaker
    and other control flag for the following converting process. This function
    Don't need to be called if you just want output the whole pdf file to text
    file without any special control.

    @param int i_CtrlFlag: The contrl flags you can pass in to control the
    behavior of the PDF Processor.
    The CtrlFlag can be the following value or their's
    PDF_OUTPUTRANGE         0x20
    PDF_OUTPUTPDFINFO       0x40

    PDF_OUTPUTPROCESSDETAIL: Output the detail information of processing
    The output string will be return by pbstrRetVal
    in Convert method, See Convert for detail.

    PDF_OUTPUTPROCESSTIME: Output the process time for every pdf file.
    The output string will be return by pbstrRetVal
    in Convert method, See Convert for detail.

    PDF_OUTPUTRANGE: Knowledge the processor only a subset of pages
    need to be output, the page range pass in through
    i_bstrPageRange. see i_bstrPageRange.

    PDF_OUTPUTPDFINFO: Knowledge the processor to output the document's
    information of current pdf to the beginning of the
    output text file.

    @param BSTR i_bstrPageRange: The PageRange string to identify which pages
    should be output example: "1,5,2-18,20,23"
    This paramter will be check if PDF_OUTPUTRANGE
    flag was set.

    @param BSTR i_bstrPageBreaker: The string that seperate each page.
    example: "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Document~~~~~Page: %%NUM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
    @return S_OK

    3. HRESULT Convert(
    [in] BSTR bstrPDF,
    [in] BSTR bstrTXT,
    [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrRetVal);

    @param BSTR bstrPDF: The absolute path and file name of the pdf file you
    want to convert.
    @param BSTR bstrTXT: The absolute path and file name of the text file you
    want to convert to.
    @param BSTR* pbstrRetVal: The result and detail process/process time information
    will return by this pointer(If you set the control flag
    in EngageProcessor)

    @return S_OK: Process the pdf file successfully. Check *pbstrRetVal for detail

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